qingdao guolin environmental technology co., ltd. xinjiang wholly-j9九游会真人

2020-06-19 1340 share

qingdao guolin environmental protection technology co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company") was approved by the 30th meeting of the third board of directors and the first interim general meeting of shareholders in 2020 to establish xinjiang guolin new materials co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "guolin new materials"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, in shihezi. recently, the company has completed the industrial and commercial registration formalities of guolin new materials company and obtained the "business license" issued.

guolin new material mainly produces high quality crystal acetaldehyde acid. acetalic acid is an important intermediate in organic synthesis. it is widely used in medicine, cosmetics, perfume, fine chemical industry and other fields. it can synthesize phydroxyphthalic anhydride, penicillin, vanillin and (ethyl) vanillin by mouth, and the market demand has increased rapidly in recent years.

the company makes full use of the existing large ozone generator’s low power consumption, high concentration, rapid reaction technology advantages, and the large-scale vpsa system of the company provides the technical advantage of high quality and stable air source for ozone generator system. after nearly ten years of research and development, through product quality, small and pilot tests and successful industrialization, we have mastered all the core technologies and proprietary technologies of producing crystal acetalic acid by ozonation maleic anhydride. the crystal acetaldehyde products prepared by the company's ozonation process do not contain the glyoxal substances in the traditional glyoxal nitric acid oxidation process, and the "three wastes" of the project are reduced through comprehensive utilization, recycling and other technical means in the production process. the upgrading of product quality and production technology not only improves the core competitiveness of the company's products, but also lays a foundation for the transformation and upgrading of the traditional fine chemical industry and energy conservation and emission reduction. it is a typical energy conservation and environmental protection project.

the successful implementation of this investment project will enable the company from a single ozone dedicated equipment manufacturing to ozone equipment application technology upstream and downstream extension. this will improve the profitability of the company and the operating service system will be more in line with the company's business needs. the consolidation and promotion of the company's position in the industry, as well as the optimization of business structure will play a good role in promoting. the promotion of the company's comprehensive strength is conducive to the realization of the company's sustainable development and conforms to the interests of the company and all shareholders.


