the first meeting of the national standard of ozone generator for urban water supply and drainage treatment was held in qingdao.-j9九游会真人

2017-03-29 1052 share


on march 17, 2017, qingdao guolin environmental technology co., ltd. hosted the first meeting of the national standard of "technical requirements for ozone generator for urban water supply and drainage treatment" in qingdao. twenty-two members of the national technical committee of urban water supply and drainage of standardization administration of china, industry experts, universities and institutes, chief editors of standards and participating units participated.

this meeting mainly discusses the standard discussion draft. the discussion points mainly focus on the standard name, scope of application, normative reference documents, classification and specification, structure, environmental conditions, rated technical indicators, stability, ozone generator service life and so on. the industry experts put forward some suggestions to increase the operating performance of ozone generator. they point out that by standardizing the operation performance, stability and other rules of our country's ozone generator, can improve our country's ozone equipment product technical level and matching design level. after the meeting, the chief editor qingdao guolin environmental technology co., ltd., based on the discussion and suggestions, revised and improved the discussion draft to form a solicitation draft.
